Email: [email protected]
Our Vision:
*Be a trustworthy, communicative, relationship focused and forward-thinking real Estate and investment Company.
Our Mission:
*To be a trusted team providing a high level of service through enduring relationships with tenants and partnerships, while managing a diverse and growing portfolio of investments and Western Canadian properties that create long term value.
Our Values:
*Honesty – Integrity, Truthfulness, Sincerity, Straightforwardness
Communication – Mutual understanding through effective interactions including speech, writing and sign *Accountability – Being responsible, answerable and liable for ones actions *Loyalty – Faithfulness and commitment to each other and/or to a cause *Approachability – Welcoming, Accessible, Comfortable, Safe & Trusted *Accomplishment – Admirable, successful achievement Recognition – Acknowledgement of, and being mutually grateful for ones actions and
achievements and those of others